Are you having an issue where the wrong Google account or payment options appear when trying to make a purchase? If you use multiple Google accounts then you may have an issue with the wrong account being associated to the game app. 

The following steps will associate a new Google account to the app so you can use your preferred payment methods. 

PREPARATION: You should not lose your progress during these steps but we may suggest saving your game ID just in case. Go into the game, settings (gear icon) tap 'Copy ID to clipboard' and paste/save it somewhere on your device. If your progress is not auto-restored then send this ID with the new game ID to our Support team and we'll recover it for you. 

  1. IMPORTANT: Uninstall the game from your device
  2. Open a web browser on any computer (NOT an/your Android device)
  3. Go to
  4. Click the account icon (Top Right) to log into your desired account
  5. Search and select the game 
  6. Click 'Install'
  7. Choose the correct device (if there are multiple options)
    NOTE: If you do not see your correct device then you have to sign into the Google account on your device before continuing. 
  8. you should get a message "App will be installed on your device soon"
  9. Open the app on your device. 

    IMPORTANT: If you did NOT uninstall the app beforehand then the process won't work and you'll have to start over.