What Are Trades? How Do I Complete A Trade?
One of the Goals you can receive is to Complete X Trades. Trades are a good way to get rid of excess Cards and earn more Bottle Caps.Trades ...
Why Are K.E.G. Sequences Getting Harder?
K.E.G. sequences will increase in difficulty as you progress throughout the game. You'll notice the increase in roughly 5 Episode intervals....
What Are Goals? What Kinds Of Goals Are There?
Goals are objectives displayed at the top of the screen, and indicate your progression through the Episode. The reward for each Goal is disp...
What Happens At The End Of Each Season?
After each K.E.G. sequence, the gang will lose their money and have to start from scratch.You will also earn rewards. The number of rewards ...
How Do I Win A K.E.G. Sequence?
To "win" a K.E.G. Sequence, tap as fast as you can in the allotted time.You can see displayed the K.E.G. Power, time remaining, and the numb...
Why Does Everything Reset At The End Of Each Season?
The gang loses their money at the end of each Season, usually thanks to a crazy scheme. When that happens, your Customers are temporarily lo...
Can I Prevent My Businesses From Resetting?
Businesses don't really reset, just the Customers you attracted in the last Season. When you re-open your Businesses in the next Season, the...
What Does Cash Do?
Cash is used to buy new Customers for your Businesses.Hit Customer Bonuses to earn profit bonuses so you can buy more Customers! Customer Bo...
How Do I Earn More Cash?
Cash is always needed so you can buy more Customers and therefore make more profit. Also, hitting Customer Bonuses earns you some Cards and ...
What do Bottle Caps do?
Bottle Caps are used to upgrade Characters and renovate Businesses!Get Bottle Caps by opening Crates, hitting Customer Bonuses, completing G...
How Do I Earn More Bottle Caps?
Bottle Caps can be earned through many different ways!CRATES- Crates can be earned by completing Goals or finishing a Season in the K.E.G. S...
What do Ice Diamonds Do?
Ice Diamonds are used in the Store to buy special Crates, Time Skips, or Bottle Caps. You can also use them to purchase any Cards you're lac...
How do I earn more Ice Diamonds?
Ice Diamonds can be earned through different ways!CRATES- Complete Goals for a chance to earn Ice Diamonds.- Crates found in the Store for p...
What Happens To Leftover Event Currency Earned In Events?
Your unused Event Currency will be converted to Main Game Bottle Caps, at a rate of 4:1, to a maximum of 500 Bottle Caps! These Bottle caps ...
What Is the Timer Crate?
Once you reach Season 4, you can start opening Timer Crate every 4 hours! Access it from the Store.DISCLAIMER: Time Skips bought with Ice Di...
How Do I Get Crates?
1. Crates are awarded for completing Goals. The harder the Goal, the better the Crate! Complete as many Goals as you can every Season to unl...
What Happens When You Open A Crate?
When you open a Crate, you get a random assortment of Cash, Bottle Caps, Ice Diamonds, Cards, or even a Character unlock. The better the Cra...
What’s The Difference Between Crates? (i.e: Wood, Silver, Gold)
The fancier the Crate, the better the reward! Bronze and Silver Crates will mainly contain Bottle Caps and Cards, with the Silver Crates bei...
What Do Cards Do?
Cards are used with Bottle Caps to upgrade the specific Business or Character represented by the Card to the next level. Each upgrade requir...
What Types Of Different Cards Are Available?
You can get Business Cards or Character Cards. These are used to renovate your Businesses or upgrade your Characters. Characters are either ...
How Do I Earn More Cards?
Get Cards to upgrade your Characters and Businesses by:Hitting Customer BonusesOpening Crates (by completing Goals and Seasons)Opening Timer...
How Do Stubs And Repeaters Work?
What are Repeaters?Repeaters are special features which slowly generate bonus resources over a certain period of time! The Statue is an exam...
What do characters do?
Most Characters are associated with a specific Business and will increase the Business's speed or profit when you upgrade them. Mike, Jen an...
What Are The Benefits Of Upgrading A Character?
Each Character upgrade results in a bonus to one of the following:K.E.G. Power for the K.E.G. Sequence, so you can earn more rewards at the ...
The Event Isn't Showing For Me!
All Events are run on universal time, which means they start at the same time for every player around the world.If the event doesn't show fo...
What Are Rewarded Leaderboards?
Events are still the same format (earn X cash to get Y prize), Rewarded Leaderboards just offer another opportunity for participants to earn...
What Are Limited Time Events?
Limited Time Events run for a short period of time and offer unique rewards you can't get anywhere else, including Characters!You can switch...
Event Leaderboards
With your Event Leaderboard, you can check how your farming game stacks against other players from around the world!Are There Leaderboard Re...
What Happens To Leftover Event Currency When Events End?
Your unused Event Currency will be converted to Main Game Bottle Caps, at a rate of 4:1, to a maximum of 500! These Bottle Caps will be cred...
Will You Run X Event Again? Will X Prize Be Available Again?
Yes, Events will be re-run so if you missed out previously you'll have another shot at a limited Character!
How Do Profit Multipliers Work?
When you upgrade a Character or a Business, or buy enough Customers to earn a Customer Bonus, you will earn a profit multiplier on the affec...
What Is A Customer Bonus?
You receive a bonus for a Business when you hit certain Milestones.Example Milestones:25 Customers50 Customers100 CustomersWith each Milesto...
How Do I Make Money While I'm Away From The Game?
Once you've reached Season 2, you can automate your Businesses. Automation requires a certain Character at a specific level and this varies ...
Can I Buy More Than One Customer At A Time?
Yes, you can toggle between buying a single Customer or the max you can afford by tapping the yellow “x1” button in the bottom right of the ...
Help! My Automated Businesses Have Stopped Making Money!
Has your automated Business stopped making money? Never fear, we're here to help! First, double check that your Business has actually stoppe...
Why Can't I Automate Tequila De Los Muertos During Dave's Perpetual Bachelor Party Event?
You may have noticed that there is no option to automate your Tequila De Los Muertos business during the special event "Dave's Perpetual Bac...
What are Milestones?
What are Milestones? Milestones are a variety of objectives or tasks to complete during a season that will allow you to earn rewa...
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