Every character has five attributes that help them succeed in various types of fights; Health, Energy, Stamina, Attack and Defense. Building your character in different ways will result in different advantages.

Your Health indicator shows how many points of damage you can take before your character is sent to their grave. Health is lost during all types of Battles but it does return over time. You also receive a bonus refill of up to 5,000 Health every time your character levels up.

If your Health is looking low, or you end up in the Hospital and are eager to jump back in the fray, hit the “Heal” button to pay Gold for an instant refill. You can also get refills in exchange for Favor Points.

You can also use the “Power Heal” button which will award you more than 100% of your Max Health. This comes at a premium of 25% more per unit of health than what normal Heal would cost you. Power Heal is available to all players who have at least 10,000 Max Health. See your Profile for info on Power Heal status and limits.

You can use Skill Points to increase your maximum Health, 1 Skill Point will get you 10 Points of Health.

You need Energy to complete Adventures, which give you Experience, Gold and Gamer Points. Your Energy slowly replenishes over time, and will get a bonus of up to 500 points every time you gain a level. If your Energy is close or equal to your max allocated amount then you will not be refilled over that limit. You can also get a quick refill in exchange for Favor Points. Use Skill Points to increase your maximum Energy. You might be tempted to put all your Skill Points into Energy, but be careful! Focusing too much on this attribute may leave you vulnerable to attacks from other players.

Stamina is used for basic Attacks, as well as Special Attacks like the Bounty or Axe Slaps.

As with Health and Energy, your Stamina slowly returns over time, but can be refilled quickly in exchange for Favor Points. Players also receive up to 50 bonus stamina points every time they gain a level. If your Stamina is close or equal to your max allocated amount then you will not be refilled over that limit. It is possible to exceed your normal max stamina with boosts earned from from Daily Rewards. Use Skill Points to increase your max Stamina. Unlike other skills, it will cost you 2 Skill Points to gain 1 Point of Stamina.

Your character's Attack attribute refers to your basic ability to deal damage to opponents, and counts towards your total attack strength in all Battles. Use Skill Points to increase your Attack.

Your character's Defense attribute refers to your basic ability to reduce damage inflicted by opponents, and counts towards your total defense strength in all Battles. Use Skill Points to increase your Defense.

Can Kano reset my character, or change my stats?
Once you've set your stats they are set for good, we aren't able to change them for you. As you level you receive more skill points and can compensate for the decisions you made early on by putting points into other categories, that should help balance out your character! :)