With the Bounty List feature you can put a price on a rival's head, then sit back and wait for your fellow players to take them down for you! Taking down Bounties is an excellent way to earn Experience for your Viking, but watch out! A high reward usually means a tough player, and they are known to hold grudges.

Starting in June 2022, the Bounty List became a live and dynamic feature in Viking Clan!

Players can access the Bounty List by navigating to the Battle page and clicking the Bounties tab. Here, you will see a live Bounty List that will display potential targets as soon as they've been listed. While on the Bounties tab, your Health will also update in real time, allowing you to heal yourself in crucial moments. Players no longer need to manually refresh the Bounty List, making the feature easier to use, faster to load and respond, more competitive, more fair, and – most importantly – more fun!

This new update also comes with a new restriction: players are only able to access the Bounty List from one device or browser tab at a time! You can still have the game open on both the mobile app and your computer, but only one device can be used to hunt on the Bounty List. Similarly, browser players can still open Viking Clan or other websites in multiple tabs and windows, but you can only play on the Bounty List using a single browser tab. This limitation will allow the Kano team to keep the Bounty List experience running smoothly and fairly for all of our players.

Whenever you see a bounty that you want to claim, click on the Attack button next to their listing. This will throw you into immediate combat with the target; you'll need to attack fast if you want to claim the Bounty– along with the corresponding XP – before anyone else!

Bounty Costs
You can see your base Bounty cost under the User tab on your profile page. The base cost of a Bounty is determined by a player’s total income, but it can grow higher depending on a number of factors including their level and how many times they've been Bountied recently. On top of that there are also a number of complex modifiers. Your Bounty cost will reset to the base value 24 hours after the last time you were listed.

In Viking Clan, you can have a high Bounty cost and still be listed for cheaper if you are in War Mode. War Bounties are bumped down to the base value plus certain modifiers, regardless of what your current Bounty cost is.

The amount paid to place a Bounty will be slightly higher than the amount earned by the person who successfully claims it, due to “facilitator's fees.”  - Your Social or Game feed will post the Bounty payout amount (the amount earned by the player who makes the kill) not of the Bounty cost.
An important note, players under level 300 have exponentially higher Bounty cost growth compared to players above level 300.
General Bounty Rules
Bounties can be viewed by potentially hundreds of thousands of other players all at the same time, so successfully making your kill may not be an easy task. There is also a feature which helps keep the Bounty list populated by automatically listing players over level 300 who have been inactive for six months or more.

Be careful who you take out a hit on! Setting a price on someone’s head will invite retaliation from that character and their friends, so think twice about starting something you might not be able to finish.

Lastly, in order to more slowly introduce players to the game, characters below level 300 cannot be Bountied by players outside their level range unless they attack first.
Honorable Bounties
Earn achievements for placing a Bounty on someone within your Honorable Bounty Level Range. If you are eligible for these achievements you can find your current Honorable Bounty Level Range on the User tab of your Profile. Alternately rivals who qualify will be denoted as Honorable Bounty Eligible on their Profile beside their alias.
Bounty Blitz
Keep your eyes peeled every few days for the limited time Bounty Blitz events! During these hour-long events players can earn huge bonuses to their Viking warrior's XP.
  • When you Bounty a player, you will receive an XP bonus based on your level and the level of the player you listed.
  • Each successful attack against a player on the Bounty List will earn you double the usual XP.
  • When you make the killing blow and claim a Bounty, you will receive an XP bonus based on your level and the level of the player you killed.
Normally, players can expect 1 or 2 Bounty Blitz events every second day-- but keep your eyes peeled for Blitz Weeks, where every game will get additional Blitzes every day for an entire week!

Note: additional Blitzes will not be added if they would interfere with a pre-existing event like a Raid Boss.